Monday, 15.07.2019
Arrival at 11:55am (LH 490 flight)
Looking for a warm welcome at the airport. Emma will be there as well!
Tuesday, 16.07.2019
Public Training @ Seattle University. Free of charge. All are welcome.
Time slot between 5:00 – 8:00pm. Kick-off will be provided soon.
Fan training session @ Seattle University.
Want to train like a BVB player? Here’s your chance:
Directly after the A-Team training we are offering our fans a “Train like BVB” – session for our fans as we have two coaches from our BVB Football Academy with us.
We are envisioning two groups. One for ages 7-13 and an adult group. Free of charge. Max attendees 40 in total.
You want to take part? Application at email hidden; JavaScript is required and I put you on the list. First come – first serve. Please bring football equipment with you.
Wednesday, 17.07.2019
Legend-Touchpoint & Raffle: Start around 3:00pm.
Meeting point for all BVB fans around the stadium. Venue will be provided soon.
Match against Seattle Sounders @ Century Link Field – Kick-off: 7:30pm
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